Take your project organization to the next level

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In increasingly complex and often globally networked corporate structures, large project organizations can no longer avoid setting up and operating a Project Management Office (PMO). With a professional and value-creating Project Management Office, we can anchor processes and methods in your project organization and significantly improve project transparency.

PMO by SMF: Take your project organization to the next level!

Complementing our project management expertise, we offer a flexible and reliable PMO service with nearshoring capabilities. A firmly anchored PMO, for example, ensures uniform and consistent reporting and thus improves the decision-making basis for portfolio management.


Strategic PMO, supporting PMO or monitoring PMO?

Which PMO is right for your organization? Theory distinguishes between three PMO types:


Strategic PMO

The strategic PMO primarily specifies methods and processes of the project organization and thus acts as a so-called "Center of Excellence".

Supporting PMO

The supporting PMO intervenes most deeply in the project management of the respective organization. For example, PMO staff are "seconded" to the project for the duration of individual projects. On the one hand, this can serve to take group-specific processes into account or, on the other hand, ensure methodical support for specialist project managers.

Monitoring PMO

A monitoring PMO develops overarching control mechanisms to ensure the project management quality of an organization. This can be done, for example, in the form of "phase gates" or "health checks" of individual projects.


For an optimal use of resources, we offer the approach of PMO nearshoring through our branches in Eastern Europe. Our employees in Belgrade and Ljubljana act as PMO back office and are mainly responsible for administrative tasks.

You, the customer, will be provided with a qualified on-site consultant as your first point of contact. The on-site consultant manages the service for you and especially ensures the quality of the service.


Our PMO services at a glance

Methodological competence

Definition of standards and best practices, according to Prince2, PMI or GPM/IPMA


Coaching and training for project managers (e-learning, onboarding of new project managers, classroom training or on-the-job training)

Ticket service

for example, master data management in enterprise tools such as SAP PPM or Microsoft Project Server

Resource Management

Establishment and control of cross-project resource management, if available in an existing enterprise project management tool


Definition of standard reports; monthly data preparation and delivery of reports

Communication Management

Development of a communication strategy incl. Establishment and maintenance of the project management community (e.g. via Microsoft Yammer or IBM Connections)


Plausibility checks and quality reviews of projects (e.g. phase gates, budget controlling or "health checks")

Project Management Templates

Development and maintenance of project management templates

What advantages does PMO have for you?

Increasing the success of the project

Consistent application of standardized project management methods and project management processes makes projects more successful.

Right decisions

Reports increase the transparency of your project organization and thus provide a better basis for management decisions.

Qualified employees

Training for project managers and employees improves internal skills within project management.

Less administrative work

Administrative work can be outsourced via less expensive nearshore resources.

Optimized resource utilization

Optimized resource management creates clarity and provides stability in the delivery of project deliverables.

Increase customer satisfaction

Through more efficient project management, projects are more often completed "on time", "in quality" and "in budget" - to the satisfaction of the customer.

Your contact

Together we determine your individual needs and coordinate your wishes and goals. Please use the contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Wieland Feuerstein

Managing director
Wieland Feuerstein

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