Why we focus on sustainable corporate policy

For us, being sustainable today means still being safe tomorrow. That is why we as SMF assume social responsibility. This responsibility, summarized as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), includes all of us: the people working in the company, but also our customers and business partners as well as society and the environment.

More than a buzzword
For us, sustainable corporate policy is more than just a buzzword. It is about the right attitude and only then about the appropriate measures. We want to set a good example in our daily interactions and in our work with our customers and business partners.
We implement all measures voluntarily and yet we feel obliged to do so. Because we are convinced that by integrating social principles into the responsibilities of our company, we can make the world a little bit better.
Assume responsibility
For decades, we have been experienced in our segments and competent in the implementation of IT projects, but at the end of the day, people work for people. And they are worth taking responsibility for to us.
We are committed to taking a close look at the impact of our activities and to intervene in a controlling manner in the event of inconsistencies. That’s why we aim to make our business goals sustainable so that they have the best possible impact on society and the environment.

Sustainable for us and for you
For us, these economic goals are sustainable if they are geared to current needs and at the same time we ensure that the needs of future generations are not restricted.
In the long term, CSR secures our existence and our financial independence. This is important for us as a company, but also for you as a stakeholder. However, we can only succeed if we constantly ask ourselves what we can do better beyond our current projects and also for future generations.
The direction is right
We still have numerous measures ahead of us in the coming years that are worth implementing. However, we can already see the first successes today. EcoVadis, an international provider of sustainability ratings for companies, also confirms that we are on the right track.
Its CSR rating shows us how well we have integrated CSR principles to date. In our first assessment in 2021, we achieved bronze status straight away, and in 2022 we already improved to silver status with our measures. In 2023, we were able to improve this status and we are pleased to have won the silver medal again.
Promote diversity
We were the first Dortmund company to sign the Diversity Charter. The Charter is an initiative to promote diversity in companies.
It aims to advance the recognition, appreciation and inclusion of diversity in corporate culture in Germany – an endeavor we absolutely support as it is in line with our guiding values.
UN Global Compact
The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest and most important initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance.
SMF has joined the international initiative by signing it. With this signature, we commit ourselves to sustainable management as well as to the implementation of the principles of the UN Global Compact.